The most direct way to travel from Seremban to Bukit Mertajam is to take the daily ETS train operated by Malaysian Railways Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (known as KTMB or KTM for short).
Another alternative way to get to BM by train from Seremban is to take a KTM Komuter train to KL Sentral first, then connect to one of the more frequent ETS trains from there.
(Jadual Keretapi ETS KTM Seremban ke Bukit Mertajam)
To view the timetable in the opposite direction to Seremban from BM click here >
KTM Seremban to BM ETS train timetable:
New full ETS timetable from 1st August 2024 >
New ETS train timetable from 1st of August 2024:
Train Number | Departs Seremban | Arrives Bukit Mertajam | Book Online |
EG 9322 | 16:54 | 22:31 | Book Tickets |
For the latest ETS ticket prices to Bukit Mertajam (BM) click here >
EP numbered trains are ETS Platinum Services.
EG numbered trains are ETS Gold Services.
Alternative trains to Bukit Mertajam from Seremban:
For far more options to get to BM by train, you will first have to take one of the cheap KTM Komuter train services from Seremban to KL Sentral >
From KL Sentral you can then take one of the Butterworth bound ETS trains directly to BM >
For even more options, you can take one of the Padang Besar bound ETS trains to Taiping (the station with the most connections), then take a cheap KTM Komuter Utara train from Taiping to BM >
To see the full ETS timetables for northbound trains, click on the following timetable link:
To see the latest ETS fares from Seremban to BM or from KL to BM / Taiping and information on the KTM Flexi Fares system, please see our:
Bukit Mertajam ETS train fares page here >
Whichever way you choose to take to get to BM by train, you will need to book your ETS tickets in advance to make sure you can get a seat.
This is especially true if you decide to take the train from KL Sentral to BM or Taiping - Buy your ETS tickets before you travel to KL so you know you can get a seat!
You can buy your advance ETS tickets from Seremban railway station ticket counter (or any other mainline KTM railway station) or a far easier option is to book your tickets online >
Related Pages:
Seremban KTMB Trains main page >
Bukit Mertajam KTMB Trains main page >
ETS Trains in Malaysia main page >
ETS Seremban to Parit Buntar >
ETS Seremban to Butterworth (Penang Sentral) >