ETS Sungai Petani to Arau KTM Train Schedule (Jadual)

If you want to travel by the ETS Sungai Petani to Arau train service operated by KTMB (Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad) there are a number of these fast trains departing daily.

However, if you want to save some money, you can also take the very cheap KTM Komuter trains on this route.

The duration of the train journey from Sungai Petani (SP) to Arau by ETS train is approximately 50 to 55 minutes.

ETS Sungai Petani to Arau Schedule

(Jadual ETS Sungai Petani ke Arau)

To see the ETS train timetable in the other direction from Arau to SP click here >

KTM SP to Arau ETS train timetable.

If you would like to see the full ETS timetable from Sg. Petani, click on the following link:

KTM Commuter Train from Sungai Petani to Arau

(Keretapi Komuter KTM dari Sungai Petani ke Arau)

Much cheaper than the ETS trains, KTM Komuter Utara (northern commuter) trains also operate from SP to Arau.

These trains are only slightly slower than the ETS services for this short trip.

The main difference between the two services is that on the KTM Komuter trains, seating is on a first-come, first-served basis, while on ETS trains you have a reserved seat.

KTM Komuter trains are a very popular way to get around this part of Malaysia so you will probably find that you will have to stand for some or all of the journey to Arau (the train is very busy on the Sungai Petani to Alor Setar sector).

To see the latest KTM Komuter timetable from Sg. Petani to Arau, click on the following link:

If you want to check all train times at the official website click here >

KTM Train Fare from Sungai Petani to Arau

(Tambang / Harga Tiket KTM dari Sungai Petani ke Arau)

To see the latest ETS train ticket prices from Sungai Petani click here >

To see the latest KTM Komuter (commuter) train ticket prices from Sungai Petani click here >

Buy Train Tickets from SP to Arau

(Beli Tiket Keretapi dari SP ke Arau)

If you want to travel by the cheap KTM Komuter trains there is no advance booking available so you just turn up at SP railway station, buy your tickets and hop on the next commuter train heading north.

If you want to travel by ETS train, it is always best to book your seats in advance to guarantee you can travel on the train you want (ETS trains can get fully booked during busy periods).

To buy advance ETS train tickets, you can buy them from Sungai Petani Railway Station ticket counter (or any other ETS station in Malaysia).

Or you can book tickets online >

Arau Railway Station to Kuala Perlis Jetty

(Stesen Keretapi Arau ke Jeti Kuala Perlis)

If you are heading to Langkawi Island from Arau station, you can take a quick taxi to the jetty at Kuala Perlis or you can take a much cheaper but more time-consuming MyBas Perlis bus from in front of the station to Kangar, then another bus from Kangar to Kuala Perlis.

For more information about Arau KTM station click here >

For more information on the bus from Arau KTM station to Kuala Perlis Jetty:

Visit the MyBas Perlis official website here (click on the "Bukit Lagi" timetable) >

For boat departure times and fares from Kuala Perlis to Langkawi click here >

Related pages:

How to travel from Sungai Petani to Kuala Perlis Jetty >

SP KTM trains main page >

Arau KTM trains main page >

ETS train schedules main page >

KTM Komuter train timetables main page >

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