ETS Arau to Tampin KTM Train Schedule (Jadual) Price (Harga Tiket)

Last updated: 4 August 2024

There is a direct ETS Arau to Tampin / Pulau Sebang train service or you can take a more frequent ETS to KL Sentral, then connect to a KTM Komuter train for the last leg of the journey.

The duration of the journey by direct ETS train from Arau to Tampin / Pulau Sebang is a little over seven hours.

ETS Timetable from Arau to Tampin / Pulau Sebang

(Jadual ETS Arau ke Tampin / Pulau Sebang)

To see the ETS timetable in the opposite direction from Tampin / Pulau Sebang to Arau click here >

KTM Arau to Pulau Sebang / Tampin ETS train timetable:

New full ETS timetable from 1st August 2024 >

New ETS train timetable from 1st of August 2024:

Train Number Departs Arau Arrives Pulau Sebang / Tampin Book Online
EG 9425 16:13 23:32 Book Tickets

Find ETS fares from KTM Arau here >

Timetable notes:

EG numbered trains are ETS Gold services.

EP numbered trains are ETS Platinum services.

An alternative way to travel from Arau to Pulau Sebang / Tampin by train is to take the following route:

1) Take a more frequent ETS train from Arau to KL Sentral station >

2) Take a KTM Komuter (commuter) train from KL Sentral to Pulau Sebang / Tampin >

To see the full schedule for all ETS trains travelling south to KL / Tampin, click on the timetable link below:

ETS Arau to Tampin Train Fare / Ticket Price

(Harga Tiket / Tambang ETS Arau ke Tampin)

ETS train fares to Tampin vary depending on a number of different factors under the KTM Flexi Fare rules.

For more information about these Flexi Fare rules and to see all ETS fares from KTM Arau:

Visit our Arau ETS fares page here >

Buy Tickets on ETS Trains

(Beli Tiket di Kereta ETS)

When travelling by long-distance ETS trains you should always try to book your tickets as far in advance as you can to make sure you can get a seat (it is usually cheaper as well).

You can buy advance ETS train tickets from any ETS railway station ticket counter or to save a journey to the station, you can easily book tickets online >

For information on the railway station in Arau, Perlis, click on the picture link below:

If you are travelling from Langkawi to Tampin by train, you can take a fast ferry to the jetty at Kuala Perlis, then from the ferry terminal to KTM Arau station you can travel by taxi or take a cheap MyBas Perlis bus via the nearby town of Kangar.

Related pages:

Arau KTM trains >

Pulau Sebang / Tampin KTM trains >

ETS train timetables in Malaysia >

Arau to Gemas ETS trains >

Arau to Seremban ETS trains >

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