Taking the ETS Seremban to Tasek Gelugor train is a quick and easy way to travel to this town located in North Seberang Perai, in Penang state, Malaysia.
You can take a train directly from Seremban railway station to Tasek Gelugor or for more choice, you can travel to KL Sentral by KTM Komuter train, then change onto an ETS train from there.
The duration of the train journey by direct ETS services from Seremban to Tasek Gelugor is approximately five hours and 40 minutes.
(Jadual ETS Seremban ke Tasek Gelugor, Penang)
KTM Seremban to Tasek Gelugor ETS train timetable:
See the new full ETS timetable from 1st August 2024 >
New ETS train timetable from 1st of August 2024:
Train Number | Departs Seremban | Arrives Tasek Gelugor | Book Online |
EG 9420 | 09:13 | 14:53 | Book Tickets |
You can see the full KTM train schedule for all northbound ETS services by clicking on the timetable link below:
Timetable notes:
EG numbered trains are ETS Gold services.
EP numbered trains are ETS Platinum services.
For more train services to Tasek Gelugor, you can easily take a KTM Komuter (commuter) train from Seremban to Kuala Lumpur's main transport hub KL Sentral station.
For times and fares for Komuter trains from Seremban to KL Sentral click here >
For ETS trains departing from KL Sentral to Tasek Gelugor click here >
(Tambang / Harga Tiket KTM ETS Seremban ke Tasek Gelugor)
The KTM train fare from Seremban to Tasek Gelugor is approximately 66 - 68 MYR.
These prices will vary depending on how far in advance you book and if you are travelling during Peak or Off-Peak times of the year or day of the week (under the KTM Flexi Fare rules).
Booking ETS train tickets as far in advance is always the best way to make sure you can get a seat (it can also work out cheaper).
To book ETS train tickets you can visit any ticket counter at any ETS railway station or you can book your ETS train tickets online >
Related pages:
Seremban KTM trains main page >
Tasek Gelugor KTM trains main page >
Seremban to Butterworth ETS train >
Seremban to Bukit Mertajam ETS train >
Seremban to Sungai Petani ETS train >