Shah Alam to Sentul KTM Komuter / LRT Schedule (Jadual) & Train Fare

To get from Seksyen 19 Shah Alam to Sentul by train, the first step of your journey is to take the KTM Komuter service to KL Sentral station. You can then choose to go by Komuter or take the LRT train to Sentul Timur.

Another option is to take the KTM Komuter train from Shah Alam to Subang Jaya, then change onto the LRT train from there.

KTM Shah Alam to Sentul Komuter Timetable

(Jadual Waktu Komuter KTM Shah Alam ke Sentul)

There are no longer any direct services to KTM Sentul station from Shah Alam, so you will have to take the following route if you want to travel all the way by KTM Komuter (commuter) train:

Take the KTM Komuter from Shah Alam to KL Sentral station on the Port Klang Line >

Then change onto the Seremban (Batu Caves-Tampin Line) from KL Sentral to KTM Sentul station >

To see the full Komuter train schedule from Shah Alam to KL Sentral click on the timetable link below:

To see the full Komuter schedule from KL Sentral to KTM Sentul, click on the following timetable:

To see the full commuter train timetables in the opposite direction from KTM Sentul to Shah Alam:

See the Sentul to KL train times here >

See the KL to Shah Alam timetable here >

The duration of the KTM Komuter train journey to Sentul from Shah Alam will depend on how long you have to wait for your connecting train.

The journey time from Shah Alam to KL Sentral is approximately 50 minutes.

From KL Sentral to KTM Sentul station, the journey takes approximately 22 minutes.

Usually, a much quicker way to get to Sentul is to change onto the LRT train at KL Sentral at these trains depart far more frequently (see below).

KTM Komuter train to Sentul from Shah AlamKTM Komuter train to Sentul from Shah Alam

On the journey to KTM Sentul station from KTM Shah Alam, trains stop at the following stations along the route:

Shah Alam to LRT Sentul Timur / Sentul

(LRT Shah Alam ke Sentul Timur / Sentul)

If you want to travel from Shah Alam to either of the LRT stations in Sentul, you can take one of the following routes:


Take the KTM Komuter train from Shah Alam to KL Sentral >

Change onto the LRT Kelana Jaya Line to Masjid Jamek >

From Masjid Jamek you can then take either the Ampang Line or Sri Petaling Line to Sentul or Sentu Timur.


Take the KTM Komuter train from Shah Alam to Subang Jaya >

From Subang Jaya, take the LRT Kelana Jaya Line to Masjid Jamek, the change onto the Ampang / Sri Petaling Lines to Sentul Timur / Sentul.

KTM Komuter / LRT Ticket Price to Sentul from Shah Alam

(Harga Tiket LRT / KTM ke Sentul dari Shah Alam)

The "Cash Price" fare (tambang) for the KTM Komuter train all the way to KTM Sentul from Shah Alam is the cheapest option costing 4.80 MYR.

If you travel by KTM to KL Sentral, then take the LRT train, tickets will cost:

KTM Shah Alam to KL Sentral = 4.00 MYR

LRT KL to Sentul = 2.70 MYR

LRT KL to Sentul Timur = 2.80 MYR

If you travel via Subang Jaya, tickets will cost:

KTM Shah Alam to Subang Jaya = 2.20 MYR

LRT Subang Jaya to Sentul = 4.80 MYR

LRT Subang Jaya to Sentul Timur = 4.90 MYR

Related Pages:

KTM Shah Alam (Seksyen 19) trains page >

KTM Sentul trains page >

All KTM Komuter train schedules in Malaysia >

Other KTM routes to/from Shah Alam:

KTM Shah Alam to Subang Jaya >

KTM KL Sentral to Shah Alam >

KTM Shah Alam to Mid Valley >

KTM Shah Alam to Rawang >

KTM Shah Alam to TBS bus station >

KTM Shah Alam to Seremban >

KTM Shah Alam to Tanjung Malim >

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