Ayutthaya to Chiang Mai Train Timetable 2024 Price (Night or Day Trains)

Taking the Ayutthaya to Chiang Mai train is the most popular way to travel from the ancient capital up to Thailand's northern city.

You can choose to travel on a day train and take in the sights or relax on one of the night train sleeper services that arrive in Chiang Mai the next morning.

The distance from Ayutthaya to Chiang Mai by train is 680 km, with the duration of the fastest train a little under 10 hours, while the slower services take nearly 13 hours (if they run on time).

Ayutthaya to Chiang Mai Train Schedule 2024

Train Number Departs Arrives Type More Info
7 09:55 19:30 Special Express DRC Info >
109 15:19 04:05 Rapid Info >
9 19:45 07:15 Special Express Info >
13 21:07 08:40 Special Express Info >
51 23:36 12:10 Express Info >

To see the train timetable in the other direction from Chiang Mai to Ayutthaya click here >

For information on the railway station in Chiang Mai click on the photo link below:

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For information on the Railway Station in Ayutthaya, click on the photo link below:

Ticket Prices for the Train from Ayutthaya to Chiang Mai

Train fares shown below are for one-way tickets:

Train number 7 (Diesel Railcar - DRC):

This is an all 2nd class seat "sprinter" train that travel through the daytime and lets you take in the scenery nearly all the way to Chiang Mai.

This train consists of just a few air-conditioned carriages.

Fares for this train cost 616 Baht and include meals and soft drinks.

Train 109 (Rapid):

This service offers the cheapest way to travel from Ayutthaya to Chiang Mai by train with tickets costing:

2nd class Fan seats cost 366 Baht
3rd class Fan seats cost 221 Baht

The 109 also has the cheapest beds / berths with 2nd class air-conditioned carriages costing:
Upper Berth 666 Baht
Lower Berth 736 Baht

Train 9 (Special Express):

This sleeper only night train from Ayutthaya to Chiang Mai is the most luxurious and expensive of all services to Chiang Mai as it operates with the new Chinese carriages.

Beds / berths on this train cost:

1st class A/C sleeper
Upper Berth 1,398 Baht
Lower Berth 1,598 Baht

2nd class A/C sleeper
Upper Berth 916 Baht
Lower Berth 1,016 Baht

Train 13 (Special Express):

Another sleeper / overnight train to Chiang Mai from Ayutthaya but with slightly cheaper berths than train number 9.

1st class Air-con sleeper:
Upper Berth 1,198 Baht
Lower Berth 1,398 Baht

2nd class Air-con sleeper:
Upper Berth 746 Baht
Lower Berth 816 Baht

Train 51 (Express):

This is one of the cheaper night trains from Ayutthaya to Chiang Mai and offers the non-A/C (fan cooled) sleeper carriages that are much cheaper than A/C sleeper carriages,

These trains have a range of beds and seats and cost:
2nd class Air-con sleeper
Upper Berth 726 Baht
Lower Berth 796 Baht

2nd class Fan sleeper
Upper Berth 536 Baht
Lower Berth 606 Baht

2nd class A/C seats cost 516 Baht
3rd class Fan seats cost 261 Baht

Fares for children (3-11):
please deduct the following from any of the fares above depending on the class of coach you travel in :
1st class - 269 Baht
2nd class - 128 Baht
3rd class - 55 Baht

Children under 3 travel for free.

Ayutthaya Station / Trains Trains main page >

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