TBS to Shah Alam KTM Komuter Train Schedule (Jadual) & Price

To get from TBS to Shah Alam Seksyen 19 by KTM Komuter train you first have to take the short trip from TBS to KL Sentral railway station on the Batu Caves Line, then change trains there for the Port Klang Line to KTM Shah Alam Komuter station.

You can catch the Komuter train from TBS Bus Terminal from the nearby Bandar Tasik Selatan railway station (BTS) which is connected by a footbridge to the bus terminal building.

If you are travelling in the opposite direction from Shah Alam to TBS click here >

KTM Komuter train on Shah Alam RouteKTM Komuter train on Shah Alam Route (Laluan)

The duration of the commuter train journey from Bandar Tasik Selatan to Shah Alam is:

approximately 18 minutes from TBS/BTS to KL Sentral.

approximately 45 minutes from KL Sentral to Shah Alam.

KTM TBS to Shah Alam Komuter Train Schedule

(Jadual Keretapi Komuter KTM TBS ke Shah Alam)

To see the latest KTM train schedule to Shah Alam, you will have to look at both the KTM Komuter timetables below:

To see the Komuter train timetable in the other direction from KTM Shah Alam to TBS (Bandar Tasik Selatan) see the following timetables:

Shah Alam to KL Sentral timetable >

KL Sentral to TBS/BTS timetable >

Please note: You can also travel to Shah Alam using the LRT train from TBS.

The quickest way is to take the Sri Petaling Line from TBS to Masjid Jamek.

Then change onto the Kelana Jaya Line to Subang Jaya.

Then change onto the KTM Komuter Line from Subang Jaya to Shah Alam.

Another slightly longer way to travel that avoids the busy central KL area is to take the LRT from BTS to Putra Heights, then change here for the LRT to Subang Jaya.

For more information times and fares for LRT services:

Visit the MyRapid route planner page here >

Ticket Prices for the KTM Train to Shah Alam from TBS/BTS

(Harga Tiket KTM dari BTS/TBS ke Shah Alam)

The current Cash Price fare (tambang) for tickets to Shah Alam from BTS/TBS is 5.10 MYR.

To see all cash price train fares to/from TBS / BTS click here >

To see all cash fares to/from KTM Shah Alam click here >

Even though you are using two different KTM Komuter routes, you only need to buy one ticket which comes in the form of a token that lets you pass through the barriers to the platform.

Keep your token safe during the journey as you will need it again to exit at Shah Alam station.

Carriage on a KTM Komuter train from TBS / BTS to Shah AlamCarriage on a KTM Komuter train from TBS / BTS to Shah Alam

Related Pages:

KTM TBS Trains page >

KTM Shah Alam Trains page >

See all KTM Komuter Train Timetables >

LRT trains to/from TBS/BTS >

Other KTM Komuter routes from TBS:

TBS to Mid Valley >

TBS to Klang >

TBS to KL Sentral >

TBS to Seremban >

TBS to Batu Caves >

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